Dutchie Product Team
Dutchie POS

Dutchie POS updates for the week of October 17

AUTHOR: Dutchie Product Team

Version 1.26 | Rolling out the week of October 17

  • Previously, turning on the Treat Pricing as Tax-Inclusive (Out the Door Price) setting caused sales figures on the Closing report to include tax. This release includes a fix to ensure these sales figures exclude tax regardless of the pricing model.

  • We’re pushing a fix for an issue that prevents users from entering a production batch number when setting the outputs for a recipe.

  • We’re making an update to ensure that terpenes print correctly on labels according to your label configuration.

  • Locations integrated with BioTrack will no longer have a Bulk Actions button where there are no applicable actions.

  • It came to our attention that there was no option under Customers > Configure > Fields to show a second address line field (Street 2) on customer profiles. This release adds the option to show or hide this field.

  • We’re introducing fixes for issues that can result in products not scanning successfully at the Register.

  • We’re correcting an error that prevents checkout for anonymous customers when the Require Valid Driver's License setting is turned on.

  • We heard that selecting Print cart was also making cash drawers open, so we’re pushing a fix to make sure this doesn’t happen.

  • A design change clarifies which buttons are active and clickable when creating new BioTrack packages in the Backoffice.

  • We’re addressing an issue that prevents product sizes from updating based on what was posted to the API.

  • We’re correcting an error that prevents users from copying PrintNode credentials from one location to another, causing issues for med and rec locations that share a physical location.

  • We’re pushing a fix to ensure that Card attributes appear on Guest List cards as configured.

  • We’re addressing an issue that prevents scrolling through the Guest List when using List view.

  • We’re pushing a fix to resolve a Parameter is not valid error when printing a delivery manifest.

  • We’re adding safeguards to prevent excessive text in discount notes, which can cause an error when trying to apply the discount.

  • Some users who had previously been able to use forecasting in BI tools received a Forecasting Disabled error. We’re pushing a fix to restore forecasting to those users.

  • Arizona: We’re addressing an issue preventing the educational materials popup from appearing on the Dutchie Register at checkout.

  • Canada: We noticed that some user permissions, such as the ability to edit product sizes, were unavailable in Canada. We’re making an update to ensure all relevant user permissions are available for admins to assign to their users.

  • Ohio: We’re correcting an issue that causes incorrect Day supply calculations in the cart.

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