- Dutchie Product Team
Dutchie POS 1.135: Customer segments for all locations; indirect revenue attribution for campaigns; fixes
Projected release dates: 3/17/25-3/21/25. Subject to change.
Customer segments
Segments, a powerful new tool designed to help you categorize customers, personalize rewards, and gain real-time insights at checkout, will be rolling out to all locations (currently, segments are only available to locations using our full suite of loyalty and marketing features).
With segments, you can:
Create dynamic customer groups based on purchase history, shopping behavior, and more.
Attach segments to discounts for a more granular and targeted rewards system.
See real-time segment insights in the Register so your team knows when a customer belongs to a given segment or qualifies for a special offer.
Learn more about segments in the Help Center.
Get the full benefit of customer segments
Schedule a demo to learn about optional add-on features that can help you further leverage customer segments and drive repeat business, such as email campaigns and loyalty program enhancements.
For locations that have added our full suite of loyalty and marketing features, we’re updating the Campaign performance report to include a more granular breakdown of revenue attribution:
All revenue from direct & indirect sources.
Direct revenue – revenue from customers who clicked a link in an email and then placed an order online.
Indirect online – revenue from customers who opened an email and then placed an order online, whether on Dutchie Ecommerce or another integrated e-commerce platform.
Indirect in-store – revenue from customers who opened an email and then shopped in-store.
Each slice of revenue attribution can be limited to different Attribution Windows (7 days, 15 days, 30 days).
A graph of sales by day shows how quickly sales were made after a campaign launched.
This release will address the following issues:
Out-the-door pricing combined with discounts that use the “ignore net tax rates” option can result in discounted sales incorrectly reported to Metrc with a $0.00 total.
Attempting to run the Tax Rate Breakdown (Transaction Level) results in an “Arithmetic overflow” error.
Received packages with a delivery time of 12:00 AM appear on multiple days in certain reports, with one entry for the day prior and one for the actual delivery date.
Exports of the Cost of Goods Sold By Category report show misleading time stamps. For example, if the report was run for a single day, the export shows From Date: 02/18/2025 12:00 AM and To Date: 02/18/2025 12:00 AM, though the data correctly reflects the entire day through 11:59 PM. To avoid confusion, this export will be updated to no longer show the time of day and instead show dates only.
Receipts for tax-exempt customers incorrectly repeat total discount amounts on the tax line, despite no tax being applied to the transaction.
Marketing > Loyalty navigation appears in the Backoffice for locations where Dutchie POS loyalty is not enabled.
New Jersey: The NJ Tax Report fails to load when run for the full month of September 2024.
Washington: CCRS automated uploads lack a required “updated by” value that shows the user who made an update.
Florida BioTrack:
We're adding further safeguards and error messages to prevent users from sublotting, converting, or adjusting samples and from creating samples from existing samples.
Users will be able to reject entire packages. Click Reject, then enter the quantity to reject, up to and including the entire package quantity.
This release fixes an issue where users entering or updating BioTrack credentials see a red X and an error message stating, “The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.”