Dutchie Product Team
    Dutchie POS

    Dutchie POS 1.105: Customer type indicator in the cart, enhanced printer language support, and more

    AUTHOR: Dutchie Product Team

      Note: We will pause non-essential product updates from June 28 through July 7, and our next scheduled Dutchie POS release notes post will be on July 10.

      The items below are projected to be released between July 8 and July 12 (subject to change).


      Register - Cart

      A new customer type indicator in the cart will provide a visual cue to help users make sure they have the correct customer profile and customer type selected.

      • For added convenience for dual-license operators, this update includes a new Change customer type in the cart option (disabled by default) in Settings > Location, which enables an option to Change the customer type on an active cart. When disabled, users will only see the customer type indicator with no Change option.

      • Note that changing the customer type on a cart with assigned or inventory items will also refresh the cart and remove all assigned items to ensure accurate tax calculation and enforcement of purchase limits, allotments, and medical-only product restrictions. 

        Note: For pre-orders or fulfillment carts, we recommend checking the customer type before fulfilling the order, so that changing the customer type will result in no cart changes. This update also removes the ability to change the Customer Type in the customer profile when that customer is assigned to a cart with assigned or inventory items.

      The streamlined cart workflow for anonymous recreational transactions that we previewed in March will soon be available to all locations where anonymous recreational transactions are enabled. Visit the Help Center for more details.

      Backoffice - Settings

      We’re improving our connections to printers through enhanced printer language support, which can help resolve issues with intermittent cash drawer opening and receipt printing. Users will have the option to specify a printer type when configuring or editing printers in Settings > Devices in the Backoffice.


      This release resolves an issue where the Sales Summary by Category (Price) report does not show price information for products from any product category with an ampersand (&) in the category name.

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