Dutchie Product Team
    Dutchie POS

    Dutchie POS 1.103: Restrict products to specific customer types; fixes

    AUTHOR: Dutchie Product Team

      Projected release dates: 6/17/24-6/21/24. Subject to change.


      Update: this feature was not released as planned, but will be included in a future release.

      To provide greater flexibility and better support dual-license operators in certain states, the Medical customer only option will be replaced with a new Available for setting that allows you to restrict products to specific customer types.

      At the product level

      Products currently set to Medical customers only = Yes will become Available for all of your enabled medical customer types (Medical, Medical - out of state, Medical - underage, etc.).

      Products currently set to Medical customers only = No will become Available for all customer types.

      When creating new products, the Available for setting will be required, and users must select at least one customer type.

      At the inventory level

      The Medical patients only setting at the package level will be deprecated and replaced by a read-only Available for field, which will inherit the product-level settings.

      At the product category level

      This option will also be added to product category settings (Products > Configure > Categories), allowing you to configure customer-type restrictions for all products in a category. Category-level settings will default to Available for = All customer types.

      If you change the customer-type restrictions at the category level, the same changes will applied to all associated products, and a confirmation message will appear before saving changes.

      If you change a product’s category assignment, the product will inherit its new category’s customer-type restrictions, even if it previously had its own restrictions.

      To maintain product-specific restrictions after changing a product’s category assignment or the category-level restrictions, you will need to manually change the Available for settings at the product level.


      This release addresses the following issues:


      Price to amount - each item discounts that also have a customer group restriction are removed from the cart when stacked with a BOGO with discount type Price to amount - total amount.


      • The Inventory Receipt Report - Detail and Inventory Receive Costing reports may show discrepancies for figures that should match between the two reports.

      • The Inventory Receipt Report - Detail shows duplicate packages when the receive history only shows one line item for those packages.

      Ohio Compliance

      THC and Total THC lab results are both mapped to the same THC field in Dutchie POS. This update corrects the mapping for THC lab results to the THC-D9 field in Dutchie POS.

      Days Supply functionality incorrectly applies to recreational customers. With this update, Days Supply will only apply to medical customers.

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