Dutchie Product Team
Dutchie Ecommerce

Dutchie Ecommerce: Show certificates of analysis on menu items; text banner collapsed by default; session timeout for Kiosk

AUTHOR: Dutchie Product Team

Here’s what’s new in Dutchie Ecommerce:

Certificate of Analysis support

A link to view a product’s certificate of analysis now appears on product detail pages for any item that has a lab results URL recorded in Dutchie POS. Learn more.

Collapsible text banner

We’ve added a Banner Default View setting under Customize > Text Banner that controls whether your text banner is collapsed or expanded by default when shoppers visit your homepage.

Collapsed is now the default and recommended setting. Data has shown that collapsing the text banner is correlated with better conversion rates.

Session timeout option for Dutchie Kiosk

You can now set a period of inactivity, after which the Kiosk shows an “Are you still there?” message.

If a user doesn’t tap Continue Shopping within 10 seconds, the cart is automatically cleared and the Kiosk shows your logo until another shopper starts a session.

To turn on this feature, go to Settings > Ordering > Kiosk, toggle on Session Timeout, and select an Inactivity timeout window of 10-120 seconds.

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