Dutchie Product Team
    Dutchie POS

    Bypass 2FA for Alpine IQ redemption; streamlined discount configurations

    AUTHOR: Dutchie Product Team

      New features and enhancements

      Bypass Alpine IQ two-factor authentication: Locations integrated with Alpine IQ can now streamline register workflows by enabling the Bypass 2FA option under Settings > Integrations > Alpine IQ. If enabled, the register will no longer require verification of a customer’s phone number to redeem their Alpine IQ loyalty points.

      Springbig integration improvements: We are excited to share that we have streamlined the operational experience for creating Springbig discounts within Dutchie POS. Previously, you had to manually link a Springbig “pos_string” to a Dutchie POS “discount_id”. With this update, you can now select the Springbig offer or reward from a dropdown menu when configuring the discount in Dutchie POS. See how.

      Other discount configuration updates:

      • The following discount methods have been added to by-code discounts. Previously these discount methods were only available for automatic discounts:

        • Amount off - total amount

        • Price to amount - total amount

      • Configuration options for Alpine IQ, Springbig, Fyllo, and manual discounts have been updated for clarity. Discount method options are now:

        • Amount off

        • Percent off

        • Price to amount

        • Price to cost plus percent

      • The Default applied to field has been moved from the Options tab to the Details tab and renamed Apply discount method to, with the following options:

        • Just one item

        • Each item in row

        • Every item in cart

        • Distributed among every item

      PIN Debit Settlement report: This new report for integrated PIN debit users provides visibility into all the transactions that roll up into a single batch settlement amount. Learn more.

      Dutchie POS is now integrated with New York’s Medical Cannabis Data Management system to enable dispensaries to validate patient and associated caregiver information, including dosage recommendations and patient certification details. See New York | OCM setup, sales, and manual reporting overview for more information.


      We’ve released fixes to address each of the following issues:

      • Sublotted packages were not moved as expected during the sublotting process.

      • Labels printed from the point of sale reflected the Flower Equivalent value from the Product Catalog instead of the package-specific value from Inventory. This issue affected only printed labels and not patient allotment calculations.

      • The register was calculating incorrect weights when a user entered a target price for a product assigned to a pricing tier.

      • Changes to guestlist status configurations weren’t saving properly.

      • Automatic delivery fees were not applied to orders if the Dollar maximum field was left blank in the delivery fee configuration because the register interpreted this as a $0.00 maximum instead of a null value.

      • Users were unable to adjust non-cannabis packages in the inventory module. We’ve addressed the root cause of this issue and impacted clients can adjust packages as needed.

      • When setting a session timeout, the inactivity threshold value must now be between 0 and 1440 minutes. This avoids an issue that prevented users from accessing the Backoffice due to an invalid threshold setting.

      • We added the dispensary DEA number to the NY PMP report to avoid issues when uploading 0-day files to the state’s site.

      • Users were allowed to process a return for a package that was already finished. An error message now prevents this. We also added a confirmation message when the return is successful.

      • Users experienced continuous loading when clicking on delivery in the POS. 

      • An error message in Dutchie POS prevented a user from voiding a transaction, but the void was erroneously reported to BioTrack, causing a discrepancy between the two systems.

      • We eliminated a scenario that could result in a cash payment not being recorded when a user clicks the Cash button twice.  

      • When using the POS Fulfillment Order, items set not to allow discounts were still being discounted when auto discounts were applied to the cart. We’ve corrected the logic so that products set to “No” do not discount when auto discounts are applied to other cart items.

      • When adding quantity-based products to the cart, users were allowed to add partial-quantity items that exceeded allotment

      • An error message prevented users from completing a return manifest to a cultivator. 

      • Trym users received an unexpected error response when trying to post a waste record through the Dutchie Public API.

      • The Inventory Roll Forward report didn’t reflect returns.

      • Customer-facing displays connected to a Dutchie Register terminal were mirroring the employee-facing Register terminal screen instead of showing the customer-facing welcome/logo screen.

      • The Dutchie Public API wasn’t reporting Dutchie Pay payments. This payment method is now exposed through the API.

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